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Blue Skies

Hello families! While we have thoroughly enjoyed our time hosting our Sensory Play sessions, Wonder Play & Learn has put classes on a temporary hold.

We hope to resume classes in the near future, but do not have a specific date yet.

Please check back here or our Instagram or Facebook accounts for any updates. 

If you're not on our mailing list, reach out to be added.
Looking forward to more fun in the future!

Hug your babies tight! <3

- Thematic (and fun!) play-based learning 

- Classes held in outdoor settings

- Opportunity to gain socialization skills

- Led by former early childhood teacher

- Small group setting (max. 10 children) 

- Relationship building between child & caregiver




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Blue Water

"Our 5-month-old loved her time in the 'Ocean Animals' class (with Wonder Play & Learn) this morning! She loved being able to get her hands in and explore. She’s been very interested in touching and feeling everything, so this was perfect for her. Very happy baby!"


“Wonder Play & Learn has been such a blessing to us! It’s a great and affordable way to allow our 1.5 year old to free play and gain social skills, while also staying intimate enough to bond and learn with his peers. Ms. Jessica has a gift with kids and we look forward to growing and learning with her!”


“Addalynn and I are loving class and think you are doing a fantastic job! Always coming up with new fun activities for the babies and just always keeping them busy. I personally don’t think you should change a thing!”


"We love coming to class. Grant loves being outside, and I like that he can socialize with other babies while engaging in sensory play."


“My daughter and I started attending Jessica’s classes when she was 7 months old from a friend’s recommendation. As an only child she seemed nervous around groups of kids so we started Wonder Play & Learn classes and now she dives right in to the activities with the other babies and loves to experience all the fun new sensory activities every week. We will be back next session for sure!“



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